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Daniel LeMoine is a social entrepreneur, change-maker, and writer. Here he writes at the intersection of faith, work, & building a matterful career.


Most nutrition and weight loss programs are some combination of ‘eat less and exercise more.’
It’s time we rethink how we approach effective, sustainable weight loss. Look no further than this book.
— Dr. Joe Deka, MD
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Excited to announce that my new book, Fear No Food, which I wrote with Dr. Noel Abood, has launched on Amazon and Barnes & Nobles!

In fact, it’s received such a great response it was named Amazon #1 New Release and #1 Best Seller!

The book introduces you to the weight loss program we’ve created at re:vitalize weight loss that identifies your nutritional needs, fixes your metabolism, and helps you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

“This book will do for you what Dr. Abood and Dan have done for
so many of my patients who have been wrestling with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related diseases: take your nutrition and health to the next level. They will show you how to not only get back to your healthiest weight and self but enjoy food while doing it. I have unbelievable trust and faith in them both—and so should you.”

—DR. TOM FIEL, former team physician for the Phoenix Suns and Milwaukee Brewers

About Dan LeMoine


Daniel Bentley LeMoine (BS in Business, Miami University; board certified nutrition consultant) is the cofounder of re:vitalize weight loss & wellness, an award winning technology-driven approach to take the guesswork out of weight loss and is on a mission to revolutionize the way people lose weight and keep it off.

He previously spent five years in the Dominican Republic serving as the development director of a faith-based nonprofit and co-founded a business accelerator dedicated to equipping entrepreneurs in developing communities. He and his wife Danae, live in Phoenix, Arizona.

Ok, enough of the third person talk…

I don't have it all figured out yet, but I'm glad to share lessons learned on this journey of building successful organizations without undermining my most precious relationships and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I'm doing my best to develop myself and others, dance with the fear which comes with solving meaningful problems, and impact the world around me. 

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you achieve your goals or make your day more joyful! 

I’m also on LinkedIn and Instagram and you can see a full archive of various articles I’ve written on the subject of faith and work here and a more robust bio here.